
This Blog was created to highlight innovations from small business and entrepreneurs and provide a place for consumers and businesses alike to see what’s new and improved and to better understand how it could benefit them.

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Welcome to Innovations



Innovation is not just represented by introducing or implementing new ideas or methods. The meaning or definition of innovation can be defined as a process that involves multiple activities to uncover new ways to do things. This definition of innovation puts the emphasis on new ways to get the same or better results. Usually, this is taken as innovation meaning improvement. The innovative ways in which the same result can be produced are most often faster or cheaper than the old process.

Innovation is the process of uncovering or improving products, services, and more by identifying a solution or method to reduce or eliminate a problem with the current state. This process can be applied to developing and executing an improvement or creating an entirely new way of making something better. Today’s rapid advancement in technology has helped ramp up innovation in everything from electronics to manufacturing to communications. Innovations don’t have to be earth-shattering product releases; they can include simple modifications that make using a product easier or reduce the time to complete a task.

America is still the land of innovation, thousands of individuals whether working within a corporation or on their own have identified current problems with anything and devoted themselves to figuring out what outcome is desired and then working to create a solution to the problem. The old saying "Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door" is a phrase attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson in the late nineteenth century but is still applies today and will continue into tomorrow.

This Blog was created to highlight innovations from small business and entrepreneurs and provide a place for consumers and businesses alike to see what’s new and improved and to better understand how it could benefit them.

Content Disclosure:

All of the articles posted in this blog follow a strict editorial process meaning that articles are not to simply be advertisements but educational or entertaining posts that help the reader. We therefore do not receive or accept compensation for selecting or posting an article. The editors of this blog have years of experience as business and manufacturing consultants and have met with thousands of American companies to bring their innovations to market. We believe there needed to be a place for small business to tell the world about their innovation and unlike major corporations which have unlimited access to brand awareness or gain attention, many of these small companies do not have the resources or budget to announce their latest product or service.

We hope you will support these people by reading their articles and supporting their products and services if applicable. We also invite you to contact us with your thoughts and ask you to subscribe to this blog.  

Thank you,

Neal Rabogliatti, Editor, Innovations